This is a small do it yourself project that helps me almost every day. With the help of a small bluetooth receiver you can build yourself and an app available on the AppStore you can remotely control your garage door via bluetooth! You won’t ever have to carry a remote with you or in your car ever again because the only remote you need is already in your pocket.
Now for starters I don’t assume any responsibility for this. So do this at your own risk. That being said lets get into it…
So the receiver you’ll have to build isn’t very complex. A little knowledge of electronics cant hurt but thats not a must. The receiver consists of an off the shelf bluetooth board and a micro controller board, which too can be bought off the shelf. If you have any questions or need help you can ask me via email (see here)
Here you can download two instructions for two versions that are available. One is more easy to build for hobbyists and one is more professional – but both work similarly well.

Both designs have an „open“ a „close“ output. Youll have to see where those two will go at you specific gate. Alsmost all gate controllers have a open and close remote input. Thats most likely the input you are looking for. Also you need to have GND and 5V VCC for the Controller, whoch you can also find at the gate controller. Please make sure its 5v and not 12V or 24V 🙂 The pinout for a Hoermann A445 and similar is this.
The App can be found here: